Research Support-Active
IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE II), Source: NIH, 2 P20 RR016461-10
Dates of Project: 7/1/10-6/30/15
Role: Internally supported faculty
This project provides research supplies and undergraduate student stipends to support research efforts and promote acquisition of preliminary data for extramural funding applications.
Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA), Source: NIH, 1 R15 HL104587-01
Dates of Project: 7/1/10 – 6/30/13
Role: PI
This extramural award provides funding for a full time lab technician, graduate student stipend, faculty summer stipend, and research supplies.
SC INBRE Bioinformatics Pilot Project Program Award, Subcontract, Source: NIH, 2 P20 RR016461-10
Dates of Project: 1/1/2011 – 6/30/2011
Role: PI
This project was co-authored by Winthrop University students James Tucker (Undergraduate) and Michael Lu (Graduate). It will provide funding for a microarray study examining cardiac regeneration in Ciona intestinalis.
A. Sengupta, S. Chakraborty, J.H. Paik, K.E. Yutzey,
H.J. Evans-Anderson. 2012. FoxO1 is required in endothelial lineages but not myocardial lineages during heart development. Developmental Dynamics, Apr;241(4):803-13.
H. J. Evans-Anderson, C.M. Alfieri, K.E. Yutzey. 2008. Regulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation and myocardial growth during development by FOXO transcription factors. Circulation Research. 102 (6): 686-94.
C.M. Alfieri, H.J. Evans-Anderson, K.E. Yutzey. 2007. Regulation of locally acting IGF1 regulatory sequences by calcineurin activation of NFATc3. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 292(5): C1887-94.
H.J. Evans, L. Edwards, R.L. Goodwin. 2007. Conserved C-Terminal domains of mCenp-F (LEK1) regulate subcellular localization and mitotic checkpoint delay. Experimental Cell Research. 313(11): 2427-37.
H. J. Evans and R. L. Goodwin. 2007. Western Array analysis of cell cycle protein changes during the hyperplastic to hypertrophic transition in heart development. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 303 (1-2): 189-99.
M.J. Yost, C.F. Baicu, C.E. Stonerock, R.L. Goodwin, R.L. Price, J.M. Davis, H. J. Evans, P.D. Watson, M. Gore, J.K. Sweet, L. Creech, M.R. Zile, L. Terracio. 2004. A Novel tubular scaffold for cardiovascular tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering 10(1/2): 273-283.
H.J. Evans, J.K. Sweet, R.L. Price, M. Yost, R. L. Goodwin. 2003. Novel 3D culture system for study of cardiac myocyte development. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 285: H570-H578.
Undergraduate Research Students (2008-present)
- Katie Wessinger, May 2008-May 2009; earned BS degree; currently attending graduate program at Emory University
- Mary Faith Encarnacion, January 2009-May 2009, earned BS degree; currently attending graduate program at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
- Sabahat Khanum, January 2009-May 2010, earned BS degree; currently applying to physician’s assistant program at MUSC
- Sherria Johnson, January 2009- May 2010 earned BS degree; currently attending graduate program at Winthrop University
- Kim Sauls, August 2009 – May 2010, earned BS degree, worked as lab technician at MUSC, currently attending PhD program at MUSC
- Hannah Floyd, August 2009 – December 2010, earned BS degree with honors, tragically killed in car accident
- James Tucker, August 2009 – earned BS degree May 2011; currently attending PhD program at Wake Forest University
- John Samies, August 2009 – earned BS May 2011, applying to Medical School
- Alexis Venesky, January 2011 – earned BS May 2011, applying to MS and PhD programs
- Zayed Amer Almadidy, January 2011 – earned BS May 2012, applying to MD programs
- Lindsey Washburn, January 2011 - current
- Erin Henneberry, January 2011 – earned BS Dec 2011, accepted to medical school at MUSC
- Matthew Raad, summer May 2011
- Kelsey Aadland, summer May 2011
- Caitlin Manning, summer May 2011- current Honor’s thesis student
- Christine Harvey, summer May 2011 – earned BS May 2012, accepted to PhD program at Boston College
- Brittany Prioleau – McNair Scholar, starting summer 2012
Graduate Research Students (2008-present)
- Elizabeth Green, August 2008-May 2010; earned MS degree, thesis title: Evolutionarily-Conserved Regulatory Mechanisms of Cardiac Development in Ciona intestinalis. Elizabeth is currently working as lab manager at University of Michigan
- Michael D. Lu, August 2010 – May 2011; thesis project involved a microarray study of cardiac myocyte regeneration in Ciona intestinalis. (Did not complete)
- Laini Ibrahim, August 2010 – May 2011; thesis project investigating the cis-regulatory elements of dFoxo in Drosophila melanogaster. (Did not complete)
- Kelly Taylor, August 2011- December 2011; thesis project development. Left program to attend veterinary school.
- Serenity Stokes, May 2012 –thesis student
- Radhika Chabba, August 2012 – non-thesis student
- Kate McGuinness, August 2012 – thesis student
Achievements of Research Students (2008-present)
- Best platform presentation and Outstanding female scientist awarded to Katie Wessinger at annual South Carolina Academy of Science meeting, Columbia, SC May 2009. Katie was accepted into the summer undergraduate research program at Cannon Research Center, Charlotte, NC in 2009.
- Mary Faith Encarnacion was awarded a scholarship to the Histotechnology Program at MUSC, Charleston, SC, October 2009
- Elizabeth Green was selected as a finalist in a graduate student poster competition for the annual Charlotte Biotechnology Conference, Charlotte, NC, October 2009. Elizabeth also received numerous travel awards from the College of Arts and Sciences and Sponsored Programs and Research at Winthrop University. In addition, Elizabeth was a co-author on a Winthrop Research Council grant that was funded.
- John Samies and James Tucker received travel awards from the College of Arts and Sciences and Sponsored Programs and Research at Winthrop University.
- Kim Sauls was accepted into the MUSC summer undergraduate research program in 2009 and 2010. Kim was accepted to the Ph.D. program at MUSC in Developmental Biology and Anatomy.
- James Tucker was awarded the Houk Prize for undergraduate research from the Biology Department at Winthrop University. James is currently attending Wake Forest University for an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program.
- James Tucker and Michael Lu were co-authors on an extramural grant that was funded. This grant will fund Michael’s thesis project.
- Christine Harvey attended a summer research program at UCSD and is currently enrolled in a PhD program at Boston College.
- Erin Henneberry was accepted to MUSC MD program as an early decision applicant
- Zayed Almadidy received an outstanding presentation award in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium
Current and Former Students

Sherria Johnson

Hannah Floyd

Elizabeth Walker

James Tucker and John Samies